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Do you know
Peru’s best
kept secret?​
Working with the Peruvian government
to build small producer brands​




Brand building and digital strategy


In Peru, the distillate sector is made up of a large number of small, mostly artisanal companies producing in micro-batches, and a few large companies with very high production volumes that dominate the market. The companies with the longest track records, as well as the newest ones, are betting on turning their market into premium products as the main feature to stand out in the local market and, mainly, to export their products, and win awards in international competitions in the various spirits categories.
In the last five years, the number of distilleries has increased by an average of 8.67% annually, with 544 by 2019, accounting for 35% of the formal enterprises in the Lima region. To compete successfully in today's distilled spirits industry, companies need to achieve greater levels of flexibility and adaptability in their portfolio of beverage categories and brands.


After an analysis of the external environment at international level, as well as an internal analysis of the 10 companies selected for the development of the project, we drew up a work plan with 3 clearly identified areas:​

  • Intensive training course (boot camp) on concepts and tools in the field.​
  • Technical assistance in the design of digital marketing strategies for individual companies (and their associated toolkit),
  • Diagnosis to generate a specific brand for Peruvian distillates other than pisco. Brand creation, value proposition and digital strategy.​



"Se trata de un proyecto gastronómico levantado a cuatro manos entre el chef y jefe de cocina Franco Micheloni (con experiencia en Tatel o el hotel VP) y su socia Marta González. Y su relativa corta vida -el local abrió sus puertas en 2021- no ha sido impedimento para considerarlo merecedor de distinciones como la de mejor menú del día de Madrid en 2023 por Mahou 0,0 Tostada."



During the project we realised that in order to develop their digital strategy, we needed to work on the differential value proposition of each of the brands of the 10 selected companies. Excellent products in terms of production, but with no defined audience, aspirational experience, values, competitive advantage or brand essence to communicate.

10 production companies that we have trained in brand strategy, digital and creativity. 10 companies with their DNA defined, their brand manual developed, their digital strategy at local and international level and their associated toolkit

”El equipo de Binocular excedió todas las expectativas desde la planificación y ejecución de actividades hasta la entrega final del proyecto, siendo este de alta complejidad y demanda por los cortos plazos así como la diversidad de empresas participantes, cada una de ellas con un espíritu y esencia propia que lograron capturar y reflejar de manera precisa en cada uno de los entregables".

“A destacar su calidad humana, siempre dando la milla extra para obtener resultados extraordinarios.”

Kelly Granados

Coordinadora proyecto IVAI destilados Premium

Do you
know Peru’s
best kept
Working with the Peruvian
government to build
small producer brands




Brand building and digital strategy


In Peru, the distillate sector is made up of a large number of small, mostly artisanal companies producing in micro-batches, and a few large companies with very high production volumes that dominate the market. The companies with the longest track records, as well as the newest ones, are betting on turning their market into premium products as the main feature to stand out in the local market and, mainly, to export their products, and win awards in international competitions in the various spirits categories.

In the last five years, the number of distilleries has increased by an average of 8.67% annually, with 544 by 2019, accounting for 35% of the formal enterprises in the Lima region. To compete successfully in today's distilled spirits industry, companies need to achieve greater levels of flexibility and adaptability in their portfolio of beverage categories and brands.


After an analysis of the external environment at international level, as well as an internal analysis of the 10 companies selected for the development of the project, we drew up a work plan with 3 clearly identified areas:​

  • Intensive training course (boot camp) on concepts and tools in the field.​
  • Technical assistance in the design of digital marketing strategies for individual companies (and their associated toolkit),
  • Diagnosis to generate a specific brand for Peruvian distillates other than pisco. Brand creation, value proposition and digital strategy.​


During the project we realised that in order to develop their digital strategy, we needed to work on the differential value proposition of each of the brands of the 10 selected companies. Excellent products in terms of production, but with no defined audience, aspirational experience, values, competitive advantage or brand essence to communicate.

10 production companies that we have trained in brand strategy, digital and creativity. 10 companies with their DNA defined, their brand manual developed, their digital strategy at local and international level and their associated toolkit

Kelly Granados

Coordinadora proyecto IVAI destilados Premium

”El equipo de Binocular excedió todas las expectativas desde la planificación y ejecución de actividades hasta la entrega final del proyecto, siendo este de alta complejidad y demanda por los cortos plazos así como la diversidad de empresas participantes, cada una de ellas con un espíritu y esencia propia que lograron capturar y reflejar de manera precisa en cada uno de los entregables".

“A destacar su calidad humana, siempre dando la milla extra para obtener resultados extraordinarios.”